
How do you compare literacy skills of adults from around the world?

Comparing literacy skills of adults around the world through PIAAC


Do adults have the literacy and problem-solving skills they need to successfully participate in 21st-century society? Are their skills improving, declining, or staying the same? How do skill levels compare among different countries?

The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a cyclical, large-scale study of adult skills and life experiences designed to answer these questions and focuses on education and employment. Nationally representative samples of adults between the ages of 16 and 65 are administered an assessment of literacy, 计算能力, and problem-solving in technology-rich environments, as well as survey questions about their educational background, 工作经历, 他们在工作和家庭中使用的技能, 他们的公民参与, 以及他们的健康和幸福感.


With our international colleagues at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the National Center for 教育 Statistics (NCES), 趣赢平台 developed the PIAAC technical standards and guidelines and training materials for sampling, 现场操作, 和更多的.
趣赢平台 field-tested and conducted the 2012 U.S. study in which more than 5,000 participants completed the interview and assessment.

2014年美国.S. 《趣赢平台》是美国第二份.S. 其中数据收集在3个以上,600 adults were surveyed from 3 key subgroups: unemployed adults, 年轻人(16至34岁), 老年人(66 - 74岁). 除了, 约1,300 adult inmates detained in federal and state prisons were interviewed and assessed.

2017年美国.S. 《趣赢平台》是美国第三份.S. data collection that included a nationally representative sample of about 3,800名新成人(16至74岁). 趣赢平台 is currently fielding PIAAC for the first round of Cycle II, along with 31 other countries.


The results of PIAAC are used to compare participating countries on the skills capacities of their workforce-aged adults and to learn more about relationships between educational background and employment and other outcomes.

2014年美国银行业调查结果显示.S. 国家增刊增加了2012年美国.S. sample to permit more in-depth analyses of the cognitive and workplace skills of the U.S. 人口,特别是三个关键的美国.S. 前面列出的子组.

2014年美国.S. National Supplement also provided information on adults age 66 to 74 and incarcerated adults to make PIAAC data comparable with data collected by NCES in the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) and make it possible to analyze change in adult skills over the decade between the 2 studies.

2017年美国.S. National Supplement collected a nationally representative sample of the U.S. adult population for 16- to 74-year-olds and provides an additional sample. When combined with the 2012 and 2014 samples, these data will be used to produce indirect, 国家级, 以及对美国人口的县级估计.S.








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